Sunday, February 9, 2014

Don’t Say ‘UFF!’ To Your Parents

Uff is Arabic for ‘whatever…’

We’ve all got parents. You know, those two older people you share your house with. They’re the ones who always seem to be nagging you to clean our room, pick up your stuff, come home on time and a ton of other things, and sometimes they can be a huge pain. But when you’re at the end of your rope, you need to remember…

Your parents were just two happy people in love before their first child was born. But did they hold that against their children? No, they dropped everything and immediately started to care and look after them. From the moment you were born, your parents have lived exclusively for you.

Your father doesn’t work those long, hard hours for himself. It doesn’t take much money to support one man, but supporting a child takes pounds of money. He has to pay for your disposable diapers, the clothes you stain immediately and outgrow within a matter of days, and the weekly doctor’s appointments from the stuff you’ve crammed up your nose, and he still has to put away money for your future.
Then your father has to consider what laws he should impose on his family. He has to worry about being a good example to his children and giving them the proper guidance it takes to make it through life. He has to teach morality and be moral himself. He’s your family’s own imaam, he has to lead and to show.
It’s surprising that dads everywhere don’t have ulcers. All the worrying if they enough money, if they’re spoiling you, if there is enough money for all the kids to go to college… It’s enough to give their ulcers ulcers.
Moms have the most thankless job in the world. Motherhood is ranked even lower than toilet-scrubber, gum-scraper, and assistant bag lady because not only does your mom scrub toilets and scrape your gum off things; she doesn’t get paid a cent for it and if you’re like every other kid, you’ll be rude and ungrateful towards her until you’re 30. Not only did she have to birth you, which is an amazingly painful and upsetting ordeal in itself, but your upbringing is almost solely her responsibility. She has to breast feed, burp, entertain, and love the little bundle of baby fat that we all once were, and chances are, few of us will ever thank our moms for that great kindness and selflessness they showed when we were helpless babies. But, Subhanallah, your mom did all that and more, and mainly because of the love that Allah put in her heart, which defies all logic.
Parents are basically non-paid zoo keepers/ school teachers/ cooks/ chauffeurs/ psychologists, and a whole lost more. They feed, fund, teach, and love you. And what do they ask for in return? Just some of that love back.
When you come home and throw your bag on the floor, and your mother asks you to pick it up, don’t throw it against a wall and scream, “You just don’t understand!” and then lock yourself in your room for three hours listening to crazy-loud music. When your mom asks you to take your dishes to the sink, remember, she’s not asking you to dig a tunnel from your backyard to China. She just wants you to be responsible and self-sufficient and to take a little of the heavy load off her shoulders.
When your dad tells you to come home from your friend’s house before 9 pm, it’s not because he is trying to make your life miserable. He’s just trying to protect you, his kid, his flesh, and blood from the really ugly things out there in the world. When he asks you to help him with the yard work, don’t attack your mom’s roses with a viciousness that would make Hitler shudder and try to knock a hole in the fence with the hoe. Your dad is just trying to help you become a worthy person who can deal with a bit of hard work so that your journey in life will be easier.
“Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye show kindness to your parents. If either or both of them attain an old age, say not ‘uff’ to them, nor repulse them, but speak unto them a gracious word. And make yourself submissively gentle to them and with compassion say ‘Oh my Lord! Have mercy on them both as they did care for me when I was little.’” – Qur’an 17:23-24
Allah tells us to pray for patience when we are dealing with our parents, and to remember that they cared for us when we were covered in our own waste, hungry, and crying to be fed at 3 in the morning.
And a lot of kids say ‘Well hey, its not my fault I was born! They made me happen so they gotta do what’s right!’ That’s true to an extent, but you know there are a lot of horrible parents out there. There are moms that give birth to their kids and leave them in garbage dumps. There are dads that beat their kids to a bloody pulp. There are kids whose parents are just lazy, careless people, who don’t make sure their kids have the basics in life like food, a place to sleep, and clothes o*n their backs. So don’t think that your parents owe you. Most of us have parents who have done more than necessary to make our lives easy. We should return their love and kindness the same way, going out of our way to make their lives easier too.
If you ever find yourself angry with your parents, imagine life without them. Imagine how miserable you’d be if you found out they both died in an accident. Imagine the abject misery of learning that they had died mad at you. Imagine crying your eyeballs out at the funeral and never being able to talk, to hug, or to appreciate your mom and dad again. Seems pretty awful huh? Everyone dies, including you and your parents, so be nice to them while you have the time.
May Allah reward you for reading this. Aameen.
An Amazing Post- Source:

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